Prof. Dr. Serdar Kozat, Bilkent University
Professor of Computer Science and Engineering
A Big Step Towards Artificial General Intelligence with Large Language Models
Securing Building Energy Systems Through Cyber Defense And Resilient System Design
The level of capabilities that large language models have achieved in recent years has demonstrated how close we are to Artificial General Intelligence. Thanks to these models, systems can be developed that plan, take autonomous actions according to these plans, monitor the results of their actions, and correct themselves accordingly. It is evident that these developments have the potential to change paradigms in technological fields, especially in the defense industry, cybersecurity, and manufacturing. For example, systems can be established that can control cyber systems independently, identify vulnerabilities, take actions to close these gaps, plan cyber attacks if necessary, and respond to countermeasures they encounter. In our country, many studies are being conducted in this scope, and these approaches are currently being used in various applications. However, the application areas of these systems are extremely broad. In this highly significant topic, suggestions will be presented on what can currently be done, what can be achieved in the future, how we can elevate our technology to a higher level in this field, and planning its requirements. The discussion will focus on issues that need to be addressed promptly to achieve Artificial General Intelligence in a short time.
Suleyman S. Kozat received the B.S. degree from Bilkent University. He received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in the ECE department from University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, Urbana, IL, USA.
Dr. Kozat worked as a Product and Project Manager at IBM Research, T. J. Watson Research, New York, USA, in the Watson AI Group, where he developed products based on Big Data, Statistical Modeling and Machine Learning. While doing his Ph.D., he was also working as a Research Associate at Microsoft Research, Washington, USA. He holds several patent inventions due to his accomplishments at IBM Watson Research and Microsoft Research.
Dr. Kozat is currently a professor at Bilkent University. Dr. Kozat authored more than 200 papers in refereed high impact journals and conference proceedings and has several patent inventions (used in several different Microsoft and IBM products such as the Microsoft Office and the ViaVoice). Dr. Kozat is also the CEO of DataBoss A.S., which directly works for Turkish Defense Industries. He has managed and finalized several different AI based defense projects actively used by different defense agencies including Turkish Land Forces, Turkish Gendarme Forces, Presidency of Turkish National Defense and Presidency of Turkish Government. These products include LLM based intelligent Command and Control systems, Computer Vision systems for real-time UAV targeting, Spatio-temporal crime and event prediction and Big Data platforms for intelligence collection and processing.
Dr. Kozat served as the Vice-Chair of Europe SIP, as a member of NATO Science and Technology Organization, as an evaluator of Presidency of Turkish Government in different AI related projects.