Prof. Dr. Sudeep TANWAR

Prof. Dr. Sudeep TANWAR

(Senior Member, IEEE), Professor with the Computer Science and Engineering Department, Institute of Technology, Nirma University, India.

Role of Blockchain Technology in Healthcare 5.0: Security and Privacy Perspective

In this talk, I will talk about the blockchain approaches used to design EHR systems, focusing only on the security and privacy aspects. I will also highlight the relevant background knowledge relating to both EHR systems and blockchain, prior to discussing the (potential) applications of blockchain in EHR systems. Finally, identify a number of research challenges and opportunities for the audience to kick start their work.

SUDEEP TANWAR (Senior Member, IEEE) is currently working as a Professor with the Computer Science and Engineering Department, Institute of Technology, Nirma University, India. He is also a Visiting Professor with Jan Wyzykowski University, Polkowice, Poland, and the University of Pitesti in Pitesti, Romania. He received B.Tech in 2002 from Kurukshetra University, India, M.Tech (Honor’s) in 2009 from Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi, India and Ph.D. in 2016 with specialization in Wireless Sensor Network. He has authored two books and edited 13 books, more than 250 technical articles, including top journals and top conferences, such as IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORK SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL INFORMATICS, IEEE WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS, IEEE NETWORKS, ICC, GLOBECOM, and INFOCOM. He initiated the research field of blockchain technology adoption in various verticals, in 2017. His H-index is 44. He actively serves his research communities in various roles. His research interests include blockchain technology, wireless sensor networks, fog computing, smart grid, and the IoT. He is a Final Voting Member of the IEEE ComSoc Tactile Internet Committee, in 2020. He is a Senior Member of IEEE, Member of CSI, IAENG, ISTE, and CSTA, and a member of the Technical Committee on Tactile Internet of IEEE Communication Society. He has been awarded the Best Research Paper Awards from IEEE IWCMC-2021, IEEE GLOBECOM 2018, IEEE ICC 2019, and Springer ICRIC-2019. He has served many international conferences as a member of the Organizing Committee, such as the Publication Chair for FTNCT-2020, ICCIC 2020, and WiMob2019, a member of the Advisory Board for ICACCT-2021 and ICACI 2020, a Workshop Co-Chair for CIS 2021, and a General Chair for IC4S 2019, 2020, and ICCSDF 2020. He is also serving the editorial boards of Physical Communication, Computer Communications, International Journal of Communication System, and Security and Privacy. He is also leading the ST Research Laboratory, where group members are working on the latest cutting-edge technologies.